Status Gizi, Balita, Pemberian MaduAbstract
Nutritional status is a state body as a result of food consumption and use nutrients. According to the database district Health (MoH RI) in Padang Lawas District from 2010 to 2013 reached 0.40% malnutrition. The research objective was to determine the effect of granting Honey against Nutritional Status in the Village Tobing Jae Huristak Padang Lawas District of the Year 2015. The research design was Quasi Experimental, with the approach of one group pretest-posttest, the population in this study all infants in the village Tobing Jae , sampling technique is purposive sampling with 12 people, and obtained by the observation sheet (direct examination), data presentation done by univariate and bivariate, with using paired T-test sampling. Results of the study were given honey after malnutrition figures decreased to good nutrition 91.7% (11 infants) and 1 (8.3%) out of 12 respondents are still settled in the circle of malnutrition, then obtained p value = 0.0000 smaller Correlation of the sig value (0.078). So, there Effect of Honey Against Toddler Nutritional Status in the Village Tobing Jae Huristak Padang Lawas District of the Year 2015. The results of the study that there is the effect of honey on the nutritional status of children in the village Tobing Jae Huristak Padang Lawas District of 2015. It is expected that people consume and utilize natural or unspoiled food like honey to meet the nutritional status of children and improving public health.Downloads
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