Senam Yoga, Kecemasan, Kehamilan Trimester IIIAbstract
Pregnancy can be a stressor worry. Since pregnancy, the mother had experienced anxiety. The worry could affect the health of the fetus or the mother. In pregnant women needed a way to cope with anxiety, in this case involves yoga exercises to cope with stressful situation, oppose or menganca. This study aims to determine the effect of yoga exercises with reduce anxiety in pregnancy. This type of research is analytical research with cross sectional study design that aims to discover the presence or absence of relationship. Populasi taken throughout the trimester pregnant women III. Taking sample using purposive sampling was 22 people. Instrument used a questionnaire to measure the level of anxiety. Data were analyzed using Chi Square test. Respondents who do yoga exercises with good experience mild anxiety as much as 4 respondents (18.2%), while those making less good yoga exercise experience anxiety was as much as 8 respondents (36.4%). Chi square test results obtained by the value of X ^ 2 arithmetic = 8.748 and p = 0.033 significance value of the significance level α = 0.05 which means Ha accepted. The research results no relationship yoga exercise in reducing anxiety for pregnant women trimester III. It is expected that health professionals, especially midwives to perform yoga exercises that can be taught to pregnant women to reduce anxiety.Downloads
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