Author Guideline

Author Guideline Jurnal Psychomutiara

Manuscript submitted to the Pschomutiara should have not been published in other journals.

A. Writing Guideline

  1. Title and Author(s)

                The maximum words of the title are 14 words in Indonesian. The author’s name is written without any academic degree, along with the institution affiliation, mailing address, and email, below the title. If the authors are more than 3, all author’s names are written along with their affiliations and put only the email address of the first author. 

  1. Abstract and Keywords

                Abstract consists of summary of the research problem, method, and results for  a maximum of 150 words (single space) using Indonesian and English in one paragraph each. Keywords including main ideas or concepts representing the research in 3-5 words.

  1. Introduction

               The author should write (in sequence) the background, the previous literature review as the basis of the scientific novelty statement of the article, research problems, "gap analysis" and hypotheses (if quantitative research). In the introduction, it is not permissible to have separate literature review in individual subtitles as in the research report, but written in an integrated with explanation of the background of the research. The author should clearly state the purpose of the study. Introduction is only 15-20% of the entire article.

  1. Method

                Method contains an explanation of the type of research / research design. This section describes the number of subjects and subject characteristics with demographic data. In quantitative research, if research using a certain measuring instrument, need to be submitted the name of measuring instrument, the number of aitem, reliability coefficient, and data analysis methods used. In qualitative research, the qualitative perspective is used, to the method of data retrieval and its analysis.

  1. Discussion

                This section contains a description of the problem that includes analysis, argumentation or comparison and the establishment / attitude of the author to the issues discussed.

  1. Conclusion

             The conclusions section illustrates the answers of the hypotheses and / or research objectives or scientific findings obtained that are summarized. At the end of the conclusion can also be written down the things that will be done related to the next idea of the research.

  1. References

                References should contain reference originating from primary sources (scientific journals, minimum 80%) of the entire bibliography) published in the last 10 (ten) years. The number of references that are cited at least 10 (ten) sources of refrences. Writing citations  is recommended using a reference management application program eg: Mendeley

 B. Writing Format

  1. Articles written in Indonesian or English are good and correct, typed neatly with Times New Roman letter size 12 with spacing at least 12 pts, printed on A4 paper.
  2. Length of articles 20-25 pages with margins up, down and sides 3 cm.
  3. Cover contains the title of the article (written in the middle with the capital letters Times New Roman- bold size 14. Name of author (without academic degree), name and address of the institution, email writer (primary author if group) and abstract.
  4. Subtitle is written flat middle with uppercase Times New Roman-bold size 12.
  5. Abstract is written in one paragraph, in two languages namely Indonesian and English. Abstract in English using italics.
  6. Each table or picture is given sequence number, title, according to table and image contents, and citation source if any. The source of the quotation is written below the table or picture, the Times New Roman font size of 10. Title The table is written on top of the table and the title of the image is written underneath the image.
  7. All pages including tables, attachments, and bibliography are serial number.
  8. The source of the quotation in the text is written between the opening brackets and the closing paraphrase that mentions the author's final name, the year with the comma, and the page number if deemed necessary.


  • If the quotation comes from one source and one author: (Solso, 2011), or (Solso, 2011: 27).
  • If the quotation comes from a single source with two authors: (Wilding and Milne, 2013).
  • If the quotation comes from a single source with three or more authors, the first writing is written entirely (Sears, David, Shelley & Letitia, 2009) and subsequent quotes with et al (Sears, et al., 2009)
  • If the quotation comes from two different sources with the same author: (Deutsch, 1949, 1952)., if the year is the same (Deutsch, 1949a, 1949b).
  • If the quotation comes from the institution: (Sari Mutiara Indonesia, 2014).
  1. The bibliography is written alphabetically according to the final name (without an academic degree), both Indonesian and foreign writers.


Bakerian, D.A. (1993). In search of the typical eyewitness. American Psychologist, Vol. 48. 574-576.

Deutsch, M. (1949a). An experimental study of the effects of cooperation and competition upon group      processes. Human Relations, Vol. 2. P. 199-234.

Deutsch, M. (1949b). A theory of cooperation and competition. Human Relations, Vol. 2. P. 129-152. Statistik Kesejahteraan Rakyat Provini Sumatera Utara 2016. (diakses pada 23 Desember 2017).

Wilding & Milne. (2013). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Terj.). Jakarta : Indeks


  1. Articles sent in softcopy form and include the author's Curriculum Vitae or by email:
  2. Authors are expected to register online at and can upload articles through the page.