Communication Branding Strategy Local Brand ‘Ruaya’ to Develop Public Awareness

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Dewi Diastuti Herfini
Tasya Putri Iranti
Yassela Luqi Nadhifah


Ruaya is Indonesia’s a local company (MSME) which operates in the field of printing souvenirs or merchandise for various purposes such as corporate gifts, weddings, communities, and political campaigns. In this research, we assisted Ruaya in running a digital campaign to create a good branding strategy and develop new customers awareness, including the marketing activities. The novelty of this research lies in its exploration of unidentified areas for Ruaya as it transitions from traditional offline marketing methods to embrace the digital landscape. The theory used in this research is Cognitive Dissonance Theory. The tactics we applied are creating contents in the form of video with storytelling and involving influencers. This research is qualitative, utilizing primary data from field observations and secondary data from literature studies.


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How to Cite
Herfini, D. D., Iranti, T. P., & Nadhifah, Y. L. (2024). Communication Branding Strategy Local Brand ‘Ruaya’ to Develop Public Awareness. JURNAL LENSA MUTIARA KOMUNIKASI, 8(1), 77–98.


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