
  • christina roos etty


Care Care Kala Intranatal I, Case Referral


Upbringing in the first stage of labor determines the mother give birth normally or abnormally. the majority of respondents are 20-35 years as many as 29 people (56.9%), education level of most is The type of care that should be given during the first Kala labor is physical and psychological support of mothers for the provision of food and drink, the setting position and support. The results showed that 27% of deaths due to haemorrhage one of which is due to interference which resulted labor contractions ended with acts such as induction and cesarean section. This study uses a quantitative approach, with cross sectional design in which data is intended to analyze the care intranatal Kala I care delivery in referral cases at Hospital Bandung Medan Year 2015. The population in this study were all women giving birth with referrals in Medan and Bandung RSU sample is taken by accidental sampling as much as 51 respondents. Junior Age 21 persons (41.2%), the majority of respondents work is Housewife many as 20 people (39.2%), the majority of respondents parity is multippara many as 32 people (62.7%), the majority of respondents antenatal visit is < 4 times as many as 34 people (66.6%). From the research results that respondents who did not receive the care of feeding and drinking is not good majority of 64.7% with a p-value of 0.000, respondents who did not receive care settings majority position is not good 58.8% with a p-value of 0.006, and the respondents who did not receive majority support does not care about the good of 64,7% with a p-value of 0.002, which means that there is a connection to the feeding and drinking, the setting position and support with labor. For mothers should increase information and knowledge about the basic needs during delivery through counseling or in ANC. Midwives are expected to be more up-date on the latest information regarding delivery care Kala I.


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Author Biography

christina roos etty

Akademi Kebidanan Sari Mutiara


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