Tingkat Kecemasan Pada Ibu Hamil dan Suami Dalam Menghadapi Kehamilan


  • dwina mastryagung


Maternal dan Neonatal


Background. Pregnancy and birth will bring a huge change for a woman, in addition to physical changes, but deeper is also changes the psychic during a previous pregnancy or birth, so it is necessary preparations constant physical and psychological of women, not infrequently a woman who is not prepared to deal pregnancy will cause anxiety to depression, to reduce the occurrence of anxiety in the mother during pregnancy is very important the role of the companion, the husband in supporting the mother during the pregnancy. Objective is to describe the anxiety levels of pregnant women and their husbands in the face of pregnancy. Methods are is a descriptive cross sectional approach, the sample size was 36 coming from all pregnant women and her husband were dating during their pregnancy in the maternity Puskesmas Kuta I were taken technically Convinience Sampling based on consideration certain period and pregnant women who meet kriterian empirically , Results: Most pregnant women experience anxiety in menghadpi pregnancy as many as 20 people (55%) and amounted to 16 (44%) did not experience anxiety and padasuami feel anxious in the face of pregnancy by 22 people (61%) and as much as 39% feel anxious in pregnancy menghadpi  Suggestion: next researcher to continue research to find the relationship between variables with the number of respondents who more. The respondent so selective in choosing and using the pads because they affect the reproductive health of women


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Author Biography

dwina mastryagung

STIKes Bali


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