
  • Liarosa veronika sinaga


Factors related to production of breast milk especially at the time of antenatal care.


Breast milk is best natual nutrition to baby bacause containing requirement of required energy and substance during first six mont life of the baby. Problem for during breast milk because production of breastmilk is not fluent. Cause of breast milk decrease because less hormon excitement of prolactin and oksitosin and problem of breast like breast pain, difficult baby suck because mistake of tehnic the suckle. Many factor influencing production of breast milk a period of child bed like behavioral factor suckle and physiology factor. This research device type is research of surve by using design cros sectional, to know faktors related to production breast milk mother suckle in countryside of purwodadi kecamatan sunggal kabupaten deli serdang tahun 2015. Population in this research is all mother suckle in countryside of purwodadi kecamatan sunggal kabupaten deli tahun 2015 amount to 96 person and in the technics intake of sampel in this research totalizing population that is selection of population made research subject counted 96 persion. This type of research used in the form primery data is direct than mother suckle by alloting observation sheet and kuisioner of each mother suckle in their house at countryside purwodadi. Data analyse which used by univariat, bivariat, and multivariat. Pursuant to result of research can be seen that there technic suckle with production of breast milk (p=0,043), there is relation of nutrition with production of breast milk (P=0,000) there is afloid intake with production of breast milk (P=0,000). Most dominant variable relate to production of breast milk is nutrition (p = 0,000) and OR = (2,589). Suggested to mother. Suckle so that eat regulary and increase censmption of nutrition so that will inpluence production of breast milk and more active to follow counseling and searching more information about away of increase production of breast milk by moss medra and also electronic media.to service of health expected to be more inprove information of counseling suckle for mothers about breast milk and tehnic of breast feed real correct to increase production of breast milk fluency. Factors related to production of breast milk especially at the time of antenatal care.


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Author Biography

Liarosa veronika sinaga

Akademi Kebidanan Sari Mutiara Medan


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